These recently upgraded START76 packs joined in parallel provide the combination of a hand-portable module with the extra amp/hr capacity to start heavier turbines. With the same push/pull isolator, replaceable contacts and mini 110 / 220 V internal chargers, these packs are designed for everyday use and to be serviced and operated in the field in very harsh environments.
� Supplied as standard with GPU parallel connecting yoke and trolley with 200 mm diameter rubber wheels and frame of 30 mm diameter yellow powder-coated tubular steel. Pack locates forward of wheels.
� Fitted with neoprene anti-slip shock-absorbent feet.
� Internal mini charger, 110 / 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz mains input.
� 28 V DC, 50 or 100 A switchmode power supply.
� 10 A, 24 V rapid charger, 110 / 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz mains input.
� Single trolley.
� Woven nylon padded jacket for transportation / pack protection.
� Bolt-on trolley shelf to accept 50 or 100 A power supply unit.